01/22/19 The Energy and Experience from the Full Moon and Eclipse
Jan 22, 2019What is the energy for the full moon and eclipse what can we expect for the next week after the full moon?
“We are delighted that you asked because there is so much happening right now. The energy is one of fast moving purging after this eclipse and Leo full moon and we are excited that this energy is coming in to flush everything out so that we can give you higher downloads then you could have obtained or have had before. There still is going to be a shadow period of three days after the full moon in Leo and we want you to still remain in a place of rest, in place of balance of understanding that your energy is being shifted in a molecular level to reach a higher state of consciousness. Because this is setting everyone including the collective on a wave of higher frequency. People may not be able to understand this new energy as they first appear or meet it, or fully become aware of it. A lot of souls currently on earth have never seen such energy in their lifetime. This is why we are here speaking through you through this transmission to understand and help facilitate a better process of coming into one's true authentic frequency. How the collective energy will shift from the lower dimensional self of the third dimension into the higher Realms of this frequency of Heaven. We are excited to transition you through this process because your body has purged multiple layers and now it is ready for this higher expansion.
You as a unique individual on the human plane have been able to understand this type of downloading frequency because you are connected in a deep way in this lifetime than most other souls are so it is giving you a better footing to understand how to utilize your awareness and to deliver it out into the world in the ways that you have been longing to help and to express to everyone involved and it is not your job to know how that is further taking on after you put it out.
Resistance is being torn down so that your ego self or your past habitual patterns will no longer supersede your desires. The collective is moving in such a beautiful direction that we are excited to keep unfolding with you and to understand on a deep level how to integrate this transition. This next week will be such a beautiful blossoming or even a birth, understand that getting the opportunity to begin again as you do everyday but within this influx of energy it is a higher awareness of the higher potential beyond your mind's ability to conceive. After this full moon it will allow more of the collective Consciousness to break away from the old patterns and begin on a more neutral level simply what is really going on and to find one's true frequency within the human form.”
9th Dimentional Arcturian Channeling
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