Expansion on All Levels

Jun 12, 2019

“Today is a day of explosive expansion. Expansion on all levels and even breakthroughs in all the positive ways of culmination. It is nothing to fear but it is something to actually be proud of to celebrate, to indulge in. From our perspective we have seen all of the work that has been done on an individual scale for each and everyone of you and what is then created from that inner frequency and reaching out into the communities and into all of the collective consciousness. Everything is still being re-understood through all of these retrograde energies and yes it is not something that is always enjoyable but there is so much growth happening right now that you will keep feeling breakthrough after breakthrough, the more that you surrender to these higher frequencies that are coming in to help give you a different perspective of the past of those lower energies that have been within your field, within your energetics.”

“We can see also from our perspective that it is painful to go through all of this because then there are things you have to grieve and let go of that you didn't ever expect to need to release. So allow yourself to have that time, because with each change that occurs in your life there does need to be an acknowledgment of the past and an acknowledgment within yourself of how far you've come and what you have experienced. That self-love and self-care to then help you put closure to things and letting that be okay in whatever way that does take form. It is very important to nurture yourself as much as possible and all of the healthier ways and not so much the old codependency ways of the indoctrination of self-care which is actually the illusion of that and just possibly some substance to use in a way to help you not feel as much. So use your own discernment today especially  but we want to congratulate you for all the work that you all keep doing on a daily basis. Because this is a very intense time for the collective energy for the collective consciousness, for planet Earth. Keep up the great work! We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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