Find Peace Within the Pause

Jun 11, 2019

“Today we bring you light codes, high frequency energy that your system is now ready for. And even as you read this transmission you are already connecting deeper to your true self. These transmissions aren't necessary in order to accept the downloads because these frequencies are coming into the collective Consciousness regardless of your awareness of it. But when you are aware of it then there can be a deeper connection and you can feel it within your energetics and within your emotions. Which then translate into how you start to think and behave. The reason for this upgrade is due to all of the purging that you have be witnessing and experiencing. These energies are about peace and finding new ways of connecting to one another. New ways of love for self and new ways of accepting others from their own vantage point.”

“The beauty of today is that it is an opening for many souls to come home to their true frequency of self. And to witness the contrast and recognize that even within the darkness or the lower frequencies there is such beauty. It brings an illumination to what is the right path for you. It shows your heart what direction is now needed.” 

“There may still be challenging aspects through today, but it will not be as tumultuous and there is an emphasis still on the full moon coming forward which is helping to balance out this duality. What we can recommend today is to allow yourself to see how far you have come. Not just thinking about how far you wish to go, or where you wish to be, but to find peace in the now moment by seeing how much you have already overcome. How much you have already found peace and maybe you haven't yet but knowing that today is a place to take pause and to allow yourself to feel these high frequencies coming through. And it will feel different for everyone but the lightness that is overcoming the challenges that have tried to tear you down but yet have made you stronger. Seeing your strength today to give you encouragement and a pat on the back for how much you have grown, how much love you have been now allowed into your heart. How open your heart is to this journey of self-understanding and self love. We are so very proud of you. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again".”


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