Integrating Your True Power

Jun 13, 2019

“The time for you to take back your power is now. Of course even as we say that within every moment there is that opportunity to reclaim your power but specifically at this time the energy is ripe and heightened for you to recognize what is your power. Everyone has a different essence of what there natural energy is, for some its peace for some it is truth. It does not matter what you feel the most connected with but when it comes to taking back your power it is allowing yourself to feel the strength that has always been your innate frequency. The more that you do shadow work and allow your duality to find a balance, the more empowered you feel because then you do not allow the fear or lower frequencies to take hold of your main focus.” 

“So when you take back your power, you are in the drivers seat of what you feel and think and then what you experience everyday. It does not matter how it looks for you because you are all unique humans and that is the beauty which you each hold. Because even if someone else is possibly shining their light or their power brighter than you are able to, it does not mean that they are taking any of your own power away unless you are giving it away. But to recognize that it is now time for you to not fear your strength or your power. To allow it to comfort you and remind you that you can handle anything that comes your way. You are a human being that is multi-dimensional, within that there is so much power already. So it is just finding your unique talents and abilities and what makes you excited and passionate and what you wish to keep creating. We strongly urge you to create anything that your heart desires. If it is a business or even just a simple piece of art. The world needs your creation in the way that only you can give it, you're unique expression your unique light and power. It is time for you to love yourself so deeply that you allow yourself to be brave enough and bold enough to create for the sake of creation. The universe will support you even more than it already is or what you feel currently. When you step deeper into that path that you know is you're souls calling. Listen to your hearts voice recognize that as you are doing all of this you are balancing your heart and your mind, which is balancing your feminine and masculine energy. Allow yourself to find this balance of true empowerment. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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