New Moon Energy Creating Peace for All

Feb 05, 2019

“We are happy to see that you have weathered the storm that has come through to help purge the deep collective consciousness of the masculine and feminine energy. You handled the deep gust, so much of a push from the universe to help you let go and allow all that no longer serves you to finally be fluffed off and then to resonate and understand that those fragments are something that is not yours to carry any longer and is different for each soul. This New Moon energy that is coming in is here to nurture you after these this deep cleansing that has happened this push of energy is now calming down so that your system can integrate and rebalance within your truer frequency. We are here to tell you that better times are coming we know that you can feel the surge of positive energy coming in and it has confounded a lot of your sense of self, due to this new beginning taking a little longer to come into your existence. But we want you to know that everything has a purpose the time of your unfoldment of a new beginning is not escaping you in anyway, nor out of reach. You are already in this new beautiful energy that is coexisting with all of existence because now it is coming deeper into your remembrance of this truer higher frequency. Your state of Consciousness is Shifting so that this energy can be more penetrated within your system and help exchange into your DNA so that you can embody all of this pure white light that is coming into your Earth. 

We want you to know that you are deeply loved and deeply cared for and that is part of what this energy is, it is a deep nurturing of your self. A deep love of unconditional love showing you how to return home to yourself. That you're safe to do so to explore those options those different avenues of thought and awareness.  You have all dealt with this energy extremely well and we would like you to know that we appreciate the hard work that you do every day as a human being.  Everyday you explore who you are more, you have different challenges that come up or different experiences that they rattle your cage, so to speak. We want you to see how much you have grown how far you have already come, in just a short amount of time.  

 Rest as such as you can today and when guided through surge of energy take action into your new energy that you have come home to.  Learn to get back into a state of play and of fun. Of exploring without fear and yet even if fear does come up using it as a tool of guidance to know that if it feels out of your comfort zone it's a possible path for your true Souls expansion, to investigate.  You are returning to your childlike innocence. Mother Earth is holding you and nurturing you, to help you help her. To remember this true sense of connection that you all share with one another that you all are among.  Keep exploring all of the ways that your soul is yearning for expansion. Trust that when you follow your heart and what your intuition is guiding you to, you are already where you're meant to be.  You are already in alignment and it's just ever-changing especially with the upgrades that you receive.  This week is full of more positive energy flowing into your systems. The more that you can be at peace and in a relaxed state the easier these positive energies will feel and the less fear it will bring up because you will be more in alignment with it and acceptance of this trust that you are supported. 

We are always with you, us Arcturian beings we are here with you if you need any assistance we are here and so are many other fellow brothers and sisters and higher entities of consciousness.  Until we speak again.


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