Redefining Self-love
Apr 07, 2019
“We are so very excited to be with you along your journey of ascension and expansion. The integration now that is happening on another deep level for many of you is constantly in influx of unearthing and relearning in this yin yang balance of progression. We know that it can be frustrating to feel that you have already come so far and yet still have a long way to go, but we see it instead as a beautiful flower blossoming at its own natural rate with no judgment or comparison of any kind. Because when you compare or put judgement on your situation, you are stifling your ability to progress even further because those thoughts then become limits. You are not meant to always be so critical of yourself. Yes it does utilize a purpose of evolution but within that same construct it is also becoming outdated. Needing to upgrade your process and introspection of how you communicate with yourself.”
“You have heard many different ways to express self-love but for many of you it has also become something that seems cliche or out of touch for true reality or stability of self growth. But what we wish to illuminate for you is that self-love can take many different forms even just the way you communicate with yourself about a new subject that you are starting out on or how to break the barrier of what you are ready to let go of. For example having an awareness about a old pattern of thought that no longer serves you but yet feeling stuck within the loop of knowing that, that thought keeps coming forward and feeling debilitated by it's still existence within your reality. So then being hard on yourself for still having those emotions, but that is not the goal. The more that you can self love yourself or self ease into it, recognizing that is not about getting rid of anything or any part of yourself. Letting go yes but within that is the shift of perspective. Treating yourself as a small child cuz many of those limiting beliefs are from childhood or old patterns from your ancestral line, that may not be so in your forefront of thought but yet in a subconscious level and you can feel that energy still lingering and it causes frustration.”
“Today at this time the energies that are coming through are helping to facilitate this new awareness of these limiting beliefs. And the energies that are coming through are of high frequency that will flush out denser and lower energies if you so allow. And ways that you can allow is to find more of a neutral ground. Come into a state of gratitude, of peace through where you are at and every moment. But within that instead of having the resistance or negative self talk, it allows for those patterns within your DNA and your consciousness to be replaced and transmuted.”
“You are all doing beautiful work at this time to be willing to open up and grow. The willingness that we see within so many of you is astounding to us because within every step you take, no matter how far you get you are still expanding your own level of frequency and awareness and that is helping to shift all of humanity. So within this transmission we would like to tell you that you are all doing beautiful work, even if you do have old residual thoughts coming up, this is part your human expression to feel this duality because you do see it outside of yourself. The integration is about allowing that duality to coexist. To allow there to be space for both polarities without feeling that you are not good enough, even if you do have those denser energies among you. This shift in energy is coming in quite abruptly this week but yet so many of you are ready for this shift and push and assistance in the right direction for your evolution. We are excited to see where that will then take you after that integration comes into full swing as well. We are the Arcturians and we have enjoyed speaking with you until we speak again.”
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