Seeing Beyond the Veil of Illusion

Mar 20, 2019

“We are the Arcturians We are noticing that you are seeing beyond the veil of Illusion. Recognizing where your past was fogging your true eyesight of reality. And when we say that we mean that when you are told that the past defines you or your present which then becomes your past defines you, many then take that into consideration as a definition of yourself and how that becomes your than reality. But now many of you are seeing beyond that. With this dualistic balance of the past and what you are wanting to create in the future, what you are feeling. This is a beautiful place to be in because it is illuminating all of the aspects where those limiting beliefs were holding you back before.” 

“Now is the time to recognize your strength and power and everything that you have gone through has helped you to be ready for this moment, of seeing beyond the illusions. We know that it is not an easy thing to experience or feel especially with Ascension symptoms coming up now. For those of you who are awake you have been going through the cyclical cycle of upgrades and understanding deeper your core traumas or old core beliefs. For those of you who are just beginning on this journey, it is now time to treat yourself with such love and care through this process. Because it is very delicate when you go back into the past and also when you see the future or feel into your strength and power that is waiting for you to tap back into.” 

 “We know that it is also a scary and daunting thing to think about what this will start to unravel and what this will then make you need to level up too and work past the fears, but we know that you already. Today is about coming in to that realization, still holding both realities in either hand. And gaining a deeper perspective through the detachment of the emotional connection to those specific things. Recognizing there is neither good nor bad but just is and choice alongside that. The full moon is definitely illuminating where release is needed and then with the Spring Equinox we are getting a double dose of positive energy to help give you a good comparison. So the rest of the week you will be feeling this duality in a very deep sense.  By the weekend you will start to gain more momentum into putting power behind your new decisions and the energy will influx helping you along whatever choice you are feeling the most in alignment with. So allow the time of creation to have its own flow. Allow it to naturally keep occurring and allow that to be something that you do not need to control or focus on in way of confirmation that you are in the right direction. The confirmation is the way you feel. If it feels good if it makes you feel alive, then it is right for you. We are the Arcturian council until we speak again.”


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