The Deeper Meaning you are searching for...
Jan 24, 2019“We are here with you to explain the deeper meaning that you are searching for, the deeper meaning within yourself that alludes you. The one that everyone seems to not be able to pinpoint yet still longs for in a deep emotional way now. The truth you are longing for is your true soul's existence, within your fabricated being you hold all of the keys that your emotions are longing. Belongingness is coming from a place of wanting that fulfillment of all your parts and aspects to be lit up and to be online, to be in a higher state of alignment. So how do you get there, how do you bridge that gap that seems to be always alluding you? It is actually the opposite of what you most think it would be. It is part of a relaxing into your heightened state through which the mind is not in the forefront, the mind is in the backseat while the heart speaks its truth. That is the only difference where the gap is and is not. The gap or disconnect is within your level of consciousness, within your framework of thinking that you are not where you are meant to be. Also the more self work that you do where those limiting beliefs from the mind are less in the forefront, recognizing what those thoughts are and the beliefs that you have layered upon your true essence of yourself. Letting those fall away and molt and shed the layers that no longer serve you. To step deeper into that relaxation of just being and when we say just being we mean being any emotion even within those old frameworks of thought. That is being whole this is a part of your human existence there's no getting around that aspect of your human nature. Being enlightened is not a part of a super natural experience because when we are here to help you get into this higher state of awareness you are in your most powerful place and that is the most natural state of being. The fabrication that has been laid to you or relayed to you incorrectly about what magic is and what power really is within human form is also similar in that way of the entertainment field, which creates disconnect. Even within the creativity of your mind there are higher potentials than your own fantasy of reality can tap into and that again is still ever so more nature even though most of you would think that that is unnatural and unobtainable.
This is not a race for who can feel the most fulfilled either there is no rush in terms of coming home to yourself because that is a ever unfolding process of what your souls predestined and predetermined journey is meant to be. Your free will is at play so that you can take any possible opportunity for yourself and yet there is still lines of fate that your soul will guide into due to predetermined contracts. There is no worry involved with how to be more in alignment and find this fulfillment because your soul is meant to unfold and go through the motions. The healing process takes its own time and we're sorry we cannot rush things further but yet we are helping you to be on the highest frequency possible through this ever unfolding expansion of your soul. Which is helping the collective Consciousness in regards to frequency.
This is a potent time for growth for seizing opportunities that are in front of you and even beyond your sight yet. We are excited because this is merely just the beginning of the brighter more colorful version of your reality. The path is lining up for you so that you are stepping deeper into a rhythm of trusting yourself and realizing the patterns that are not serving you any longer and thanking them for when they show up so that you do know you're right and correct path that feels most in alignment with your heart and not with your mind necessarily. As this shift happens within your mind and your heart, your mind will be able to easily glide around obstacles that used to have rigidity and logical stance in order to make it more realistic. Reality and the definition of it is changing for most humans at this time and we are excited to see that shift in consciousness.
So that more possibilities are able to unfold and become part of your reachable timeline. There's so much excitement and ever-flowing abundance to you it makes us so excited to feel this energy that is coming in deeper for you today because it is such a high velocity of joy, love and caring energy that is needed so deeply within every soul within every fragment of the Earth right now. It is highly needed right now and we are excited to see this rush and flood of positive sparkling abundance for you. We know that this energy even though it is more of a positive frequency it is still an intense energy to meet and to stay grounded in, and to not close off for fear that it could nearly tear you down or tear you back into those old fragments of being. You are not going to receive more than you can handle. You are going to be fed smaller amounts of downloads of high-frequency so that your body can obtain them and digest them in a way that the energetics stay as balanced as possible as to not disturb your system to a high degree of stress. There might be more stress coming up from this exchange but yet that is also going to dissipate when you center yourself and find the understanding through the hearts eye. We're so grateful to communicate with you on such a deep level about what the energy is currently and we will speak to you again. We are the Arcturian Council and we are grateful for your presence.”
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