The Possibility of Rebirth
Apr 21, 2019
“We are here to say that many of you are opening up deeper to the concept that you can be reborn. The concept that you can start to reprogram and rewrite and remember who you are. We know that it can be and seem like a daunting task to try and navigate through what needs to be released and what can be rewritten for you. Or even the limiting beliefs that you may have that seem like they were not so limiting in the beginning or at all. So now the level of discernment is becoming more of a true strength for many of you to communicate within yourself and recognize why you believe what you believe. And where you are willing to broaden your awareness and come home or redefine what home looks like for you.”
“We know that still at this time it can feel like you are grieving. That you are afraid to fully let go and fully leap into the unknown of this new adventure. We know that there is not much to hold on to and that is why many humans are not ready to go down this path of higher ascension because it takes more strength and courage to rebuild and reframe and let go of what you do know. It takes unwavering trust to allow yourself to look into all of the identifications that you have connected with and that you identify yourself as. We do want to let you know that it will be worth it and to try and not be so hard on yourself through the process because even if you do have a lot of fear still there will be a process of this unraveling and reframing for you. That the more that you can relax and still nurture yourself so deeply, then there can be more ease through this process of rebirth. Through this awakening and spiritual evolution for yourself whatever you wish to call it, because it can have many different names.”
“We are excited because the energies that are coming in now are being received by many of you. These higher frequencies that are helping you to remember through way of synchronicities or epiphanies, or even just the emotional release that you are feeling and experiencing. Everything serves a purpose no matter how big or small it may manifest within your life or within your body.”
“We recommend today to still rest as much as you can because the energies through all of which have been utilized through this full moon you are still in those energies. They are of course less intense but they are still helping to cleanse your energetics and to help release the pressure that your mind was placing upon way of understanding your reality, or even limiting your reality. So you should be feeling more harmony within your body because now your heart is becoming more of a centralized place instead of the mind. But yet within that your heart is expanding and all of those frequencies that are coming in are spreading throughout your entire physicality. We are always here for you. You can all connect with us individually and you do not need a specific channel even as this one to communicate with us or any other entities. You're all just as powerful and all have your own unique abilities to tap into. So start having some fun. When you are ready to be more and more rebirthed it will happen naturally. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”
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