You Are Creating New Worlds

Sep 11, 2019

We are here to remind you of your brilliance, your magic that only you hold and are meant to share with the world. We are happy to see when you all express and create from a place of love and freedom. We understand that there is a system in place that you all need to comply with but we are happy to see that your creative freedom isn't meant to be suppressed even among the system that you are in. And when we say system we mean the government or old conditioning that you have grown up in or are shown as normal. There is more waiting for you all beyond the system and because you are able to integrate these high frequencies, the less your old system holds you in a place of resistance. Of course there is going to be an unraveling process along with the rebuilding of your new or more connected high vibrational reality.

Where have you been wanting to create more of in your reality? What have you been wanting to share with your community or even with yourself? We encourage you to create for the sake of creation and explore all of those untapped aspects of yourself that you have been unsure of. The more that you are open to exploring all areas of your light and darkness the more you will find a better balance within and in your external world. We know that it seems so easy to say but feels possibly unachievable, but we wish for you to suspend expectations as much as possible and start to move and take action with what you are feeling most drawn to through your soul and less from an old place of habit. And at the same time finding out what has become habit and re evaluating to see if some habits need to be transformed to find more balance and or new direction. Your emotions are very valuable within your human experience, feel and trust the connection within your body as a barometer to then feel alignment through ease or lack of connection.  We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.


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