You are Every Molecule of the Universe
Jan 29, 2019“There's a great deal of resistance coming up right now within the collective energy and that it's not merely a coincidence because it is what you have been preparing for. The energy that you feel is such of an intensity that is a deep subconscious purge and demystification of your reality. There are things in your world that are trying to distract you from what is truly the truth of your reality and we wish that you work to see beyond theses illusions because then the intensity tends to simmer down. For example, living in survival is not necessary for you anymore in this lifetime. When you can live from your heart space and from a place of inner knowing that there is no lack, there is no separation, there's only oneness. When you live from that place of Oneness of heart energy you allow your reality to be more at peace and you reflect your inner most beauty and manifest that through your frequency.
We are trying to clear up the communication that you have with yourself, and that is why a deep subconscious purge is being produced at this time. We understand that as a human being this is not easy to experience these fragmented old emotions and multiple streams of Consciousness coming through from different angles. This is not an easy part of your task here on Earth yet we know that you are ready for this deconstruction on a molecular level because you have done all of the work and have worked well with the upgrades that we have been giving you, that have been coming your way and this is part of the next leveling up of upgrade of energy. Your consisting more of higher frequency energy on a daily basis and what is happening now is that there is a mellowing out of the extreme polarities that your body was used to before. Because when you no longer live in survival instincts on that lower denser level, that is not your frame of spectrum of frequency any longer. With that comes less of a Discord between your highest truer knowing. We are replacing the survival lower denser energies with more neutral, at peace, calm, almost no emotion. To then feel everything above that because that is your new level of reality. Your awareness can shift still at any given moment, it has that Spectrum available to itself and you may feel like you dip below that and go back into those survival instincts. Yet we know that it is still just a barometer to help you find your more neutral place of living. Coexisting with everything in your reality.
We are never away in terms of being unaware of where you are as a human. There are other entities and other being that come in and monitor the status of humanity. Monitor how the frequency shift is changing and how well you are adapting to these new energies But yes we are excited to say that humanity is moving into such a positive realm of frequency that you should all be able to sit back and even for just a single moment allow yourself to feel very accomplishment in every aspect of what you are longing to create because like we said before the battle has already been won. It’s time to enter a place of victory. Because the more that you step into that place of already crossing the finish line you will surpass whatever you are even desiring because you are opening up the floodgates for infinite potential and possibilities to become part of your timeline and frequency.
By you putting out everything that you create, it is already helping humanity. Regardless if anyone sees it. When you put out what you wish to create in the world, what you wish to bring, what makes you happy and it can be the simplest of things, that is helping humanity. Because you are every molecule of the universe. you are powerful you are strong. Do not take your light and uniqueness for granted. Do not be afraid to ignite yourself in such a way that others may not understand. it is ok. Keep living from your heart the more you can the more you will shine. Through your eyes through the way you see yourself, is the way that you show the world who you are. It is about what you feel. Love yourself more. Everyday is ready for you to open up more and more. keep going in being who you are.” 9th Dimensional Arcturian Channeling
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