You Are Making History
Apr 19, 2019
“We are the Arcturians. We are pleased to see how you all handled these intense full moon energies and they will be dissipating within the intensities over the next three days the intensity will start to lessen over time due to the full moon shadow period. You can almost think of it as a mountain as it climbs up to the fullest amount of intensity and then goes back down that mountain side to come back into a normalization of energy. So then over the next few days you will feel a lessening of these intensities and you will start to feel these higher frequencies coming into help balance out what you have now purged. So a rebirth will be happening on an energetic level for many of you and we are excited that many of you are open to this opportunity to see new possibilities and tap into your higher potentials that used to maybe be more full of fear, in terms of thinking they were too high or unrealistic. But we are here to tell you that they are not, and they have never been. But now that you are seeing clearly what you are capable of or even having a sense of what you are capable of, remembering how powerful you are as human beings, as multi-dimensional beings at that.”
“We are here especially at this time to help assist you in your remembrance. To help you regain the courage of your truest form. As Arcturian beings we are here to help you remember how to be innovators, how to create from a higher, clearer potential of creation with more insight and rejuvenated energy. “
“The times are shifting so that you do not have to learn and grow through pain now that you have recognized that you can live in a different reality and still coexist with different levels of lower energies but remembering how to live on a higher plane of awareness and still be a human being. That is partly what this shift of energy or the events that you call it is about. How to live within your dualistic world and yet still choose and be aware on a higher level. And it is not something to separate you from one another, it is actually meant to bring you closer together. By having compassion from that higher state of awareness and recognize that there are others along the journey in different places of awareness. And it is not about all being aware of the same reality but yet being aware that you all have different realities that you co-exist in together and individually. The more that humanity can understand this and start to conceptualized the multitude of different avenues of reality. The more than you can have compassion for one another and see and accept one another for who you are uniquely. You have already come a very far way as a collective and we know that you can see all of the obstacles still or are all of the disconnections that need to be reconnected. But we want you to know that because now through this purge from this full moon, even though it may not seem as significant to some of you, it is part of history. It has begun the tipping of the scales in the direction that humanity is meant to go in now. Humanity is meant to come back into love. You are all meant to learn how to coexist together in a different state of harmony. And yet still within that having that duality mixed in for your own clarification of who you are and what you do want through contrast. That is how awareness is built and understood just as nature shows us and shows you how there can be a multitude of things but yet still all connected. So there is no right or wrong and today especially we are excited because you will start to feel more love in your system, more joy for this rebalance that is happening and less of the devastation of what has been lost. Because even though you may have lost people or objects or lost your own identity of self, there is so much that you have gained from that release. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”
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