Your Birthright is waiting for you...
Jan 30, 2019“We are excited that you ask for these energy updates because the time that we are in is currently to help you explore your real self. The realization of falling into the correct frequency that your Birthright is ready to become a part of. It has always been your Birthright to be where you're at in this lifetime and that is something we wish to explain to you on a deeper level to help you realize that the more that you can relax into every moment and acceptance of how it is in its full entirety, the more that you will realign yourself with a higher state of correlation with your Birthright which we were referred to. This is not about being someone who you think you have to be, this is not about being anybody else but you. Those layers that are being shed are showing you that that was never you.
That yet was a part of you as a whole because everyone in human form is experiencing this energy of self-awareness. That is what is happening now on a collective scale especially through your social media and technology. You are all Source energy and itself expression of a unique form, that is your life. We want you to start to explore all of the possibilities that you can tap into now because now is the time to survey your options of realities and when we say realities we refer to what do you wish to create in this lifetime. What you wish to experience is no longer as limited as you once thought. When you step into your heart space, into your inner alignment, you go for your dreams and that is what we are excited for because today of all days it's about stepping deeper into whats success is for you. What you are ever so longing to experience even though it may not seem realistic at the moment or maybe you can see a short timeline of how a dream or possibility can come to fruition. We want you to know that as the days progress especially for this year of 2019 each day is a step closer to taking in these deeper higher frequencies of energy and light and everyone a different journey so everyone deserves and will accept certain unique energies that are coming to them. That is what's so beautiful about the world you live in because it is so dynamic. It is ever-changing and ever flowing and through this every day you will find out new ways of how to be what you want to be. You can change and move and allow yourself to explore all of these new options. Life is about evolving consciousness and even though there is a huge impact currently on Humanity of needing to shift this collective consciousness into the right direction we want you to realize that the more that you go for what you are longing for the more you will see the change in the world happening on the grander scale of shifting into a higher state and healthier balanced enlightenment.
The violence will start to dissipate, the crimes will start to diminish in terms of what you area taking in through your newscasting and we realized that this has been a construct that Humanity has been under. Under the assumption that you must be aware of what's going on in the world but yet it is been manipulated in a multitude of ways and that has been a shadow overcasting your true understanding of your potential of human power.
We are excited to allow this to be a part of your experience now and there will be a more heightened true awareness of how your planet earth has been correlated and been watched and so many galaxies and we are very invested in what is going on. We are excited to help you fold this human evolution and state of Consciousness through the frequencies that are coming in. Today is yet again another beautiful stream of heightened Collective consciousness because it is a beautiful golden energy that is coming in to envelop the world and to raise the level of consciousness. You will probably feel senses of nostalgia, higher forms of love to the point where you feel like you cannot contain it in your body but yet it is nothing to feel threatened from. Allow yourself to feel overly taken care of and nurtured and loved it's a very beautiful thing today. You are coming back to your childhood innocence in such a way of allowing this love to penetrate into every cell and ounce of your DNA. Because now your mind and heart is learning to cooperate together in a way that is more efficient for your human function.
Realignment is all about seeing the patterns in your mind that are no longer serving you and instead replacing them with a heart connection. What you feel more passionately for instead of what you think is logically right. Allow the love to come in even if you don't feel as lovable as you should today or see the areas that we think are lovable about you. Try to allow all of that bright beautiful light into today and start to stand stronger within your uniqueness. Find pride in your being. Allow yourself to be seen in every possible aspect even the ones you fear to hide or to show we love you. We care for every individual thank you for your time we are the Arcturian Council until we speak again.”
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