Your Daily Practice

Jul 10, 2019

“The daily practice that you hold for yourself can help balance your energy, even in the smallest of ways. The way that you nurture yourself by what you eat or by your thoughts can be very detrimental to your state of frequency and to your evolution. At this time through this influx of energy that you are all wrapped up in it is important that you are able to go inward, into your own self reflection. And recognize what you need from yourself to heal that possible codependency that you have had on the outside world, to make you happy or feel balance. Now is the time to recognize where you can be there for yourself more. What daily practices can you implement to help yourself through this change of energy.” 

“Most of humanity is relearning how to nurture without conditions. How to be there for yourself to know that your cup is full to then be there for the rest of those in your community, in a more healthier balanced way. And it can be the simplest of things of taking a walk every morning or even just focusing on your breath as you're going about your daily tasks and routine. But to give yourself that love of attention is very important. “

“Today is very much full of high frequency that is helping to rebalance what love is what it used to be and what variation you feel most connected to. But it is very much about re-understanding how to love without conditions, what unconditional love truly is. And we can see from our perspective that it is not easy to love yourself all the time, due to society saying you are not good enough, if x, y and z. But we are here to tell you and remind you that there is only power within those conditions if you believe them and allow them to dictate your emotions.” 

“So reevaluate what you really wish to give power, what you really wish to accept about yourself. And if there is something that you are not willing to accept, then is there a possible way to shift that, so that you then find more comfort within it. You all hold duality there is no escaping that aspect of life. But the way that you balance through it, is where your power belongs and is. We know that you can all  find your center and to love beyond conditions. But again it is a process so allowing yourself to be human and imperfect will help ease the burden of your duality. You are light and dark just as there is night and day, there is beauty in the wholeness that you are apart of. We are the Arcturians, until we speak again.”


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