Your Inner Voice is Linked with your Heart
Apr 09, 2019“Many of you are aware of this shift in paradigms. The shift of consciousness. This event or what has been spoken about in the spiritual community is more of a way of a state of consciousness, a state of mind that is being reached by many of you in and out of connection and the more that you each can honor your individuality and break away from trends or things that you feel you should or should not do as a spiritual human or an aware and awaked human. We wish for you to allow every limit to become obsolete and instead come from a place of listening to your own heart space, your own intuition. And for some of you it is still a process to figure out which inner voice that is, through way of discernment. So we asked for you to keep with your self-discipline and finding out through introspection what your body resonates with in terms of your hearts space and not so much of your mind. Your mind may play tricks on you from time to time, so the trick to outsmart your mind is to listen to your emotions. Because then if you are in charge of your emotional body of what you feel, then you can connect and see where those thoughts and emotions find alignment within and of themselves.”
“So when you are feeling good, witness and examine what thoughts you are thinking so then in that way you can keep thinking the thoughts or then finding that inner voice of what truly sets your soul on fire. What you are truly passionate about what you truly do want even regardless of your physical rules of what it looks like to be happy or successful. What does it feel like to you? What can you imagine that feeling even looks like? Playing around with what you do desire and want you even may not think is possible but what are those things. Taking note so that you can focusing on the moment to moment emotions because then when you are able to observe yourself you are then bringing the power back to yourself. Because it is not even anything or something to control it is something to allow the evolution and reprogramming of your own awareness.”
“We do recommend the more that you can find a easy feeling place, a more playful energy the easier it will be to then deal with those denser energies or limiting beliefs that will come up to the surface through just way of you being an observer. Recognizing that nothing needs to be suppressed any longer even if you feel anger or sadness, allow that to be apart of your experience. We can see that many of you are also working better and deeper on self-love and we are so excited to see that for you. So keep up the great work at this time. We are the Arcturians until we speak again.”
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