“We command you for your diligence and perseverance at this very moment in time. We know that the energies that you are encountering and experiencing are more of the tougher energies that...
“We are here to humbly thank you for all of your work, all of your interest in higher entities, your interest in self development and evaluation. Because it is those of you who dare to peer...
“You are all beautifully expanding! We want to start off this transmission with showing you how grateful we are that you are moving through these energies. Because they are not for those who...
“Many of you are aware of this shift in paradigms. The shift of consciousness. This event or what has been spoken about in the spiritual community is more of a way of a state of...
“We are so very excited to be with you along your journey of ascension and expansion. The integration now that is happening on another deep level for many of you is constantly in influx...
“We are very excited to see that you are now starting to feel more of this positive energy coming through. We know that it is not an easy task to reframe old patterns of thought. We know that...
“The progress that you have made through this Mercury retrograde has not gone unseen. Even though you are expecting to be able to feel more relief and to have that jolt of forward movement...
“We are excited that you are opening up deeper to your core wounds and to those aspects that society may deem as bad or flawed, or something to hide. We want you to know that every aspect...
“We can see that you have still purging from the release of the full moon and that is excellent. It is very much needed at this time for your systems to be able to move forward in the...
“We are the Arcturians We are noticing that you are seeing beyond the veil of Illusion. Recognizing where your past was fogging your true eyesight of reality. And when we say that we mean...
“We are the Arcturians. We are excited that you are ready to embark on your new way of seeing reality. We are excited that you are ready to move forward in such a way that is unknown but...
“We are excited to tell you that things are opening and preparing for you in such beautiful ways behind the scenes at this time. To those who have a higher view from their level of...