“At this time it is important to allow yourself to possibly look foolish. Allow yourself to listen so deeply and trust your heart completely regardless of what anyone's outward opinion or...
“The time for you to take back your power is now. Of course even as we say that within every moment there is that opportunity to reclaim your power but specifically at this time the...
“At this time today specifically there is so much energy for you in any aspect that you are desiring. As we mentioned before there are upgrades happening and within that aspect there are...
“Today is a day of explosive expansion. Expansion on all levels and even breakthroughs in all the positive ways of culmination. It is nothing to fear but it is something to actually be proud...
“Today we bring you light codes, high frequency energy that your system is now ready for. And even as you read this transmission you are already connecting deeper to your true self. These...
“There is nothing to fear.The emotions that are coming up that you may be accessing more today are part of the old paradigm. Part of the old you that lived in fear, that lived in survival. It...
“Many of you at this time are facing bigger challenges than you ever thought to be up against. But in terms of it being a challenge, can be what resides within the mind. Because when it comes...
“We know that each and everyone of you are longing to feel more relief. Longing to allow yourself to be more at peace and feel more happiness. We know that in every way you all deserve that...
“The times are shifting now so that many of you can open up beyond all of your old limitations. Specifically in terms of matters of the heart. This energy that you have experienced, through...
“We are here to say that many of you are opening up deeper to the concept that you can be reborn. The concept that you can start to reprogram and rewrite and remember who you are. We know...
“We are the Arcturians. We are pleased to see how you all handled these intense full moon energies and they will be dissipating within the intensities over the next three days the intensity...
“We can see that this week especially has been more tumultuous than you ever expected. The intensity of this full moon in Libra is brining to light all that needs to be realigned within...